Not too long ago, I was listening to the excellent podcast Start with This by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor. Those are the guys who make Welcome to Night Vale, a hilarious fiction podcast that gets a lot of play at my picnic table while I eat crabs. But I…

On Starting Again
The other day, I was talking with my friend Lance about the importance of having a side hustle. He said something that stopped me in my tracks: “Your main thing is your writing,” he said. “Programming is your side hustle.” I opened my mouth to argue, then closed it again….

Do the work
Don’t be ‘a writer’ but instead be writing. Being ‘a writer’ means being stagnant. The act of writing shows movement, activity, life. When you stop moving, you’re dead. —William Faulkner I came across this gem a few weeks ago. You can read more of Faulkner’s musings on writing here. It’s just…

Writing Update
It’s not easy to balance writing with all my other responsibilities, not to mention health challenges. Autumn is traditionally a difficult time for me – I just don’t have enough spoons to churn out work at the pace I’m accustomed to. Many have been asking about the status of Ghost,…
Most people (myself included) engineer elaborate systems that prevent them from doing the very things that would give their lives meaning. Think of your go-to time sucks: overwork, drama infused relationships, that television show you just can’t afford to miss. You choose all of that. What do you think would…